Information Centre

This website focuses on rings for:

-North American professional Leagues like the NFL, MLB, NBA, etc.

-Some semi-profession leagues

-Some high-profile College League like the NCAA.

More Information?

There is a lot of good information on Wikipedia talking about rings in general and their history.

Go to for this.

Here we will focus on providing information for people who want to buy or sell rings. As such, we have very detailed specifications and data on almost all major championship rings. Here are some things you need to watch out for and be aware of.

[1] There are companies (mainly out of Asia) making “replica” rings where they try to copy the authentic rings. These are outright frauds and counterfeit rings.

[2] Even if you have a ring from the original manufacturer, you may not have the “official” rings. These days, a typical championship ring set may have 4-5 different designs for different groups of people in the organization. The most prestigious rings are the rings made for players and executives. But even here, there are at times different rings called Tier A or B or C rings.

[3] When a manufacturer is bidding on a ring contract, they many produce multiple “samples”. These may not even be the final designs. Some of these samples have been known to be sold as authentic rings.